What Is a Business Owners’ Policy?

If you own a small or medium-sized business, consider acquiring a business owners’ policy to protect your business assets. It’s a product that combines the basic coverages of business liability and property insurance into one.

Who It’s For

Though this kind of policy is recommended for home-based businesses, it is valuable whether you rent, lease, or own the property out of which you operate. Since we serve Dallas, TX, It’s worth discussing a business owners’ policy with our experts at Alloy Insurance Partners.

Maybe your business is set up as an LLC to protect personal assets like your home and personal banking account. But you still need general business liability. For instance, if someone is injured when they slip and fall in your parking area, and you have no business liability, then the cash, equipment, and inventory in your business are at risk.

What the Insurer Looks At

The insurer determines if your business is eligible for a business owners’ policy. Factors influencing that decision include what risks your business is exposed to, how long you’ve been in business, and annual revenue. In serving Dallas, TX, we deal with more than one insurance carrier, so we are likely to be able to get you the policy you need.

How to Make the Policy Your Own

Another advantage of a business owners’ policy is that it can be customized to fit the needs of your business. And since it combines coverages, sometimes it results in savings because you are not buying an individual policy for each of the possible situations that you need protection from. 

Alloy Insurance Partners is an independent agent staffed by knowledgeable professionals. Contact us to discuss what insurance your business needs to be fully protected.